Access Real US Caselaw with
midpage ChatGPT Plugin

No hallucinations! We gave ChatGPT access to US case law so you can interact with it.

Learn How to Use ChatGPT

Learn How to Use ChatGPT

Generative AI is revolutionizing the practice of law. Learn more and stay updated with legal technology with the midpage plugin

Generative AI is revolutionizing the practice of law. Learn more and stay updated with legal technology with the midpage plugin

Discuss A Case

Discuss A Case

Simply input a case citation. The plugin identifies it, brings the full text into the conversation, and stands ready to answer any questions about the case.

Simply input a case citation. The plugin identifies it, brings the full text into the conversation, and stands ready to answer any questions about the case.

  • "What industry was the subpoenaed third-party in? (E.g., finance, pharma, etc.)"

  • "Summarize the facts from the Background section in 5 bullet points."

  • "Why did the court grant the motion to dismiss on the fraud claims?"

  • "Generate a bluebook citation followed by a brief explanatory parenthetical summarizing the court’s conclusion, use some of the facts critical to the court’s analysis."

Discover Cases Through Conversations

Discover Cases Through Conversations

Just like discussing with a colleague, tell the midpage plugin what cases you need and watch it find the relevant ones for you.

Just like discussing with a colleague, tell the midpage plugin what cases you need and watch it find the relevant ones for you.

Verify Proposition

Verify Proposition

Enter a statement of law followed by a citation into ChatGPT. The plugin identifies the proposition, retrieves the full text of the case, extracts the relevant quotes and assesses the accuracy of the proposition in relation to the case

Enter a statement of law followed by a citation into ChatGPT. The plugin identifies the proposition, retrieves the full text of the case, extracts the relevant quotes and assesses the accuracy of the proposition in relation to the case


Handling Long

Due to OpenAI’s API's limitations, we currently do not push the full text of cases longer than ~5200 words to reduce the likelihood of hallucinations. While you can still interact with them, we only extract the relevant chunks in the text to provide you with an answer.

Always Check Your

While we have set up guardrails to keep ChatGPT focused and accurate, it still has a mind of its own. Do not expect perfect results, and always check answers. We appreciate any feedback and we'll continue to make improvements.

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Try it now

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plugin's capabilities in ChatGPT.